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Frequently Asked Questions
The following FAQ answers many of the general questions about DataVision products and services.
General questions
Does DataVision provide R&D services, and in what areas?
Yes, we have an internal development department mainly in the field of machine vision and mobile robotics. We cooperate with the Czech Technical University in Prague, the Technology Agency of the Czech Republic, and we are a long-term strategic R&D partner of SICK AG. Our development activities allow us to have deep expertise in the above areas. which we use for our solutions.
Is your company certified according to international ISO standards?
Is your company certified according to international ISO standards?
Our company is undergoing a certification process according to ISO / EIN 27001 on information security management and ISO 9001 standards. We are fully GDPR compliant.
Questions related to our services
In what areas do you provide advisory and consulting services?
We have long-term experience in the field of machine vision for industrial applications. We can advise you on whether your intended project is suitable for machine vision or machine learning applications and advise on the most suitable solution within the feasibility study. At the same time, we can quantify the risks that may arise and suggest ways to eliminate them. We are able to develop a comprehensive technical specification and feasibility study for a wide range of projects.
What other machine learning services do you provide?
We can help you design data collection and data storage for creating machine learning models. We can annotate and label datasets. As part of the comprehensive machine learning process, we can advise in all phases of their creation, from data collection to model governance.
Questions related to BeeYard machine learning platform
Does BeeYard support the end-to-end data and analytics process?
Yes, the architecture of BeeYard supports a complete end-to-end process for acquiring, organizing, and preparing the data, modeling, and analysis, and delivering the analytics. This is one of the many advantages over other ML platforms, which often cover only parts of the entire ML modeling process. That is one of the key advantages against other ML platforms, which typically cover only part of the entire ML project creation process.
What are the advantages of a database structure based on individual data cells?
What are the advantages of a database structure based on individual data cells?
In industrial ML applications, analyzes from individual images alone are insufficient for the robustness of the overall solution. Data are collected from multiple data sources (cameras, sensors, lasers, text data, etc.) and all these data relate to one analyzed object. It is necessary to preserve the context of this data related to that object. The resulting model is transparent and more robust.
Does BeeYard support deep learning?
Does BeeYard support composite AI techniques?
Deep learning techniques are not always suitable enough for industrial applications. If the application has a reliability of min. 99%, it is necessary to combine traditional machine learning algorithms with deep learning. This approach is fully supported by BeeYard.
Do you offer free BeeYard licenses for academic purposes?
Yes, we offer licenses for academic purposes. We will be happy to inform you of the conditions for obtaining them on request.
Is BeeYard fully integrated with Halcon?
Yes, BeeYard is fully integrated with Halcon SW, which makes it much easier for Halcon Library users to use.
Questions related to REX mobile robotics platform
What is the advantage of technology that complies with the VDA5050 standard?
The VDA5050 standard provides a unified communication interface for all autonomous units that use it. They can then be managed using a single fleet management system. This technology will allow autonomous units from different manufacturers to be included and controlled in the fleet, as long as they are equipped with technology compatible with VDA5050.
Can the REX localization and navigation unit be connected to any AGV we currently use in our production?
Yes, so you can include existing AGVs you already use in the new fleet and allow them to move fully autonomously in your production. At the same time, they will be included in the central fleet management system REX and their deployment within the entire fleet will be fully optimized. With the help of the location unit, it is possible to also include human-operated units in the fleet and thus optimize the scheduling of tasks.
I'm not sure if AGVs are suitable for our production environment. Do you provide consulting services?
Yes, our engineers will provide a feasibility study that takes into account the individual factors of your environment and recommends a suitable solution. Please contact us if you are interested in these services.
Questions related to high power linear light LiLi
For what types of applications are LiLi series lights applicable?
The LiLi series of lights are high-performance intelligent line lights for the field of machine vision, optimized for applications with the use of high-speed in-line cameras. The individual light segments are programmable and it is, therefore, possible to adjust the light intensity so as to achieve optimal performance in the case of atypical reliefs of scanned objects. All the lights of the LiLi series are designed for industrial use.
How do I find out the prices for the LiLi series?
We will be happy to provide you with prices on request at sales@datavision.software
Is it possible to borrow light for internal testing in laboratory conditions?
Yes, we will be happy to lend you the lights for a limited time for testing purposes. If you are interested, contact sales@datavision.software